Oh, Say Can You See….

I pledge allegiance to the flag…..

I suppose it is my turn to weigh in on the controversy that is the NFL ‘sit out’ of the national anthem. It’s been in the news lately from the famous ‘take a knee’…

Image result for colin kaepernick kneeling gif

To the entire Pittsburg Steelers choosing not to come out of the locker room at all (save for one player who is a former veteran).

As a fan of football and a citizen of this country normally I would agree with many of the people I know and say that not standing and putting your hand over your heart during our nation’s anthem is a sign of disrespect. That flag nor that song did anything to you. But then I sit down and think. These people are not kneeling because they hate this country. Choosing to stay in the locker was not based on hatred toward the red, white, and blue. NO! This is because of the injustice that people are suffering. At first, it all started with ‘poor black men’ being discriminated against by police officers. But now it is so much more.


These tweets come from the president. DID YOU UNDERSTAND THAT? This is the President of the United States we are talking about. The man that is tasked with keeping our great nation together. Yet he is acting like a toddler on his twitter feed and demanding that players who are exercising their right to protest what they believe is an injustice (see U.S. Const. amend. I) be fired. Should we fire you for this tweet (see below)?


Did he just say what I think he did? Someone get me a margarita stat; I’m not sure I can finish this post without more alcohol. 

But to get back to the topic at hand. I am assuming, everyone wants to know exactly where I stand on this issue. Well, if it wasn’t obvious from my rant so far, I would have to say I side with the players and average folks alike who are protesting, not just by taking a knee but by everyone expressing their discontent in respectful and legal ways. I for one will always continue to stand for the national anthem, but that it just who I am. I feel for every person march in a Black Lives Matter rally or those choosing to protest against the president. I may be a white woman from East Texas from a middle-class family, but I see the discrimination against minorities.

Every day when I say goodbye to my athletes, I tell them to have a good night and to be safe. Not because I think they will go out and drink and drive or do some illegal thing, but because 75% of my team is African-American and because I have a tendency to worry. I worry if I will wake up to the news that one of my athletes has been arrested or god forbid one of them is shot and killed. These athletes are like a sort of family to me and I care for each and every one of them. I see the fear in their eyes when we travel to a new city and we are near police. I can see the looks they get when we check into a fancy hotel and a manager rolls their eyes and guests try to avoid them. I have even been there first hand when several of my athletes were talked down like they were nothing more than another ‘hood rat’ when in reality some of them are the smartest and most talented people you will ever meet.

I never grew up seeing color. When I was little I thought the darker skinned people in my pre-school class were only different than me because they drank more chocolate milk. In grade school and high school, I knew about race but I thought racism was a think of the past. But now, as I have started working with a hundred athletes from all around the world, I know that our great nation has some work to do. One day I want catch up with my former athletes and find out that they are CEOs of Fortune 500 companies or Ambassors to The United Nations. But for now, that won’t happen until this country stops dividing itself because a few people who make millions of dollars have chosen to get a voice to those who have not been heard. If it means taking a knee to help right the wrongs of this nation, then, by all means, NFL, keep doing what you’re doing.



Pumpkin Spice EVERYTHING!!!!

Image result for pumpkin spice latte gif

Lattes, home fragrances, pumpkin spice… pumpkin pies. When will the madness stop? Don’t get me wrong, I love the idea of fall. Sweaters and boots are my shit. Give me football and hot chocolate, a Hocus Pocus movie night, and the death of the Louisiana state ‘bird’ the motherf***ing mosquito. My legs are begging for a break from the uneven tan lines of summer camps and football camp and the whelps that cover all of my flesh from the tiny blood-sucking demons.

But as a GA Athletic Trainer, fall is a season that is both a glorious time of the year and can also be considered a slow and torturous death.  It comes with a pile of school work, homework, thesis papers, comprehension test studying not to mention all of the rehabs and treatments that have to be planned for all athletes. (I work with over a hundred track & field athletes) Oh, and did I forget to mention the ever-changing practice schedules? Like who even changes the practice times of a team 15 minutes before it was originally supposed to start?

The current need for a coffee every three or four hours is a routine. I used to never like drink coffee and when I did I barely drank an entire cup. Now I have two or three cups a day when I can not find the time to take a nap. I am fairly certain that the baristas at the local ‘Starbucks’ on campus know my order the moment I walk in. Carmel Macchiatos anyone? But as the pile of class work continues to pile up, I am finding myself using my planner more as a step-by-step how-to guide to get through my day instead of just a suggested how to.

I decided to start this blog to post and sometimes vent about the struggles of my life and hopefully post about the amazing things I get to do and see. I have always liked the idea of write and sharing my stories and what better way to do it then start a blog? And if anyone out there likes what they read and wants to adapt the story into a movie… I am pretty firm that you must cast Emma Roberts as me.


So here’s to what will hopefully be a wild ride. Peace out, Girl Scout!
